1. Attend an event or activity sponsored by The International Link. These events are specifically designed to encourage interaction and relationships between Americans and internationals.
  2. Take your international friend to your child’s sporting event, musical recital, or similar event.
  3. Invite your friend to your home for dinner. A fancy spread is not required – just add a plate to the table and serve what you would normally serve for dinner.
  4. Involve your friend in household chores on a Saturday – mowing the yard, cleaning out the garage, painting a room. They want to learn about and experience “normal” American life.
  5. Play a board game together. Pictionary is a simple game that is enjoyed by many.
  6. Invite your friend to teach you to cook a meal native to their home country.
  7. Attend cultural events in the community together: ball games, festivals, picnics, concerts, etc.
  8. Ask your friend what events or activities he or she would like to experience while in the U.S.
  9. Help with practical needs of being new to the area: offer to help them find a doctor, locate the DMV, or pick out a cell phone.
  10. Find out when your friend’s birthday is and celebrate with them.
  11. Introduce your friend to American holidays. Find out about their national holidays and how they are celebrated and do something special when those holidays arrive.