ESL Welcome Desk Prepare (for both launch & regular class days)

NOTE: If panhandlers approach at Nat’l Hills, give them a Care package (which includes a list of where to go for help), and apologize that we do not work for the church. If they insist on going inside, tell them they will have to wait till 12pm.

Know as much as you can about current students, the building, registration, classroom locations, ESL school calendar so you can answer questions as they come up.

Coordinate with the School Administrator for the paper or digital access to the list.

  • What should be inside the welcome desk box
  • Class placement lists

➡️Give (placement document)

If they are a homeless person asking for help, give them one of the downtown area resources cards.

Special situations

Optional: Be prepared for homeless/beggars

  • Should only be allowed in buildings if there is a host church staff member not serving with Link who has already said they are willing to talk with them.
  • At NHBC, care packages for the homeless since there is sometimes panhandling foot traffic.
  • At FPC, tell homeless they can go to the back of the McKnight building across the street during weekday business hours and ring the bell.