English teaching preferences Please tell us your preferences for teaching English with us, we’ll try to accommodate (though we can’t promise) "*" indicates required fields Class preferencePlease click and drag each class below to rank your order of preference for what you want to teach (top = most preferred). If you have no preference, just move "no preference" to the top.A0 (Intro)A1-A2 (close to previous levels 1 & 2)A2-B1 (close to previous levels 2 & 3)B1-B2 (close to previous levels 4 & 5)B2-C2 (at or above previous level 5/Advanced)I have no preferenceVolunteers preferenceDo you have a preference for other volunteers you'd like to serve with? If not, you can leave this field blank. Preferred time of day*Please check which time of day on Thursdays during which you're open to or interested in teaching. You can check both if either works for you (that does not commit you to teaching during both times). Morning: 8:30-11am (we are in greater need of morning teachers) Evening: 6:30-9pm Comments?Name* First Last Email* NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.