Who are the internationals I will be involved with?
We primarily serve international students, scholars, researchers, soldiers, and staff at campuses in the Augusta-Aiken area. Some are here with their families, some are here alone. Some have children, parents, or grandparents with them. Internationals of all ages are represented in the CSRA.
What does it mean to be a Friendship Partner?
Being a Friendship Partner means committing to be a friend to a specific international individual, couple, or family. You will relate to them as you would your other friends—talking and e-mailing, having a meal together, and generally being available as someone who cares for them.
Where will I meet with my international friend?
Your first encounter with an international may be at an event sponsored by The International Link. You may invite them to your home for supper, meet them for lunch, take them to the grocery store, or wherever is convenient for both of you. After your initial conversations, don’t be surprised if your international friend invites you to visit them in their home!
When & how often will I meet with my international friend?
Whenever is convenient for both of you! You may see each other once a week or once a month; there is no specific time requirement. You don’t need to change your existing schedule very much. You can make plans based on your family’s schedule.
Why should I be a Friendship Partner?
There are many internationals in the CSRA who are very isolated from the rest of our community. They have no local friends or contacts and are eager for relationships with Americans! (Did you know that most international students visiting the U.S. will never set foot inside an American home?) In addition, Christians are instructed to welcome strangers and show hospitality (Matt. 25:35, Heb. 13:2)!
How much time am I committing to, and how long will this commitment last?
There is no specific time requirement for Friendship Partners. We recommend trying to spend time with your international friend at least once a month. We ask that you meet regularly with your international during the first semester you are partnered. If you “hit it off,” you may find that the friendship naturally continues beyond that point! If you find that you and your international friend are not a good match, we are happy to work with you in making adjustments or matching you with another international.
Can my children be involved in my Friendship Partner relationship?
Absolutely! Your international friend may miss his or her family from home. Spending time with a family with children is almost always welcomed.
Am I making a financial commitment as a Friendship Partner?
No. You are not a “sponsor,” and you are not otherwise financially obligated to your international friend.
What do I NOT need to do as a Friendship Partner?
- You do NOT need to provide housing for your student.
- You do NOT need to provide financial help for your student.
- You do NOT need to provide legal and/or immigration advice.
- You do NOT need to help with serious emotional or health problems.