#8-Friendship Partner Ministry: HOW DO I GET INVOLVED?

Being a Friendship Partner with someone from another part of the world will change your life. Are you ready to get started? There are several ways you can begin.

  1. Contact The International Link to be paired with an international friend. We can match you with an individual, couple, or family that is most appropriate for your situation. Are you interested in meeting someone from a specific country? We may be able to match you with someone from that part of the world! Additionally, we can provide training, support & networking opportunities on an individual or church level to support your ministry as a Friendship Partner. Visit www.theinternationallink.com and click on “Contact.”
  2. Attend an event sponsored by The International Link. Attend an event or activity sponsored by The International Link and take the initiative to meet and get to know an international. Then follow up with your new friend as you are able in the coming weeks and months. Visit www.theinternationallink.com and click on “Calendar” to learn about upcoming events.
  3. Team up with another Friendship Partner from your church. Are there others that you know who are already involved in a Friendship Partner relationship? Ask if you can join them and meet their international friends. This is a great way to “get a feel” for the ministry and get involved.