ESL Child Care Coordinator Preparation

➡️Background checks.

This coordinator is the one who needs to track background checks to make sure that they are current. Coordinator needs to tell Elizabeth Barone that they are the coordinator so that Elizabeth will know to ask if she has any questions.

  • Whenever someone new is added that works with children, or is over children’s workers, in order to have background checks be re-done automatically when they expire.
  • ask FPC (Kelly Tabb,  to have that done in the FPC database) to change role to “Children’s worker” in the FPC database that will automatically get background checks redone (Elizabeth Barone,  is the one who tracks and submits those based on what’s in the database)

Maintain a folder for the child care workers at your school that at least has:

  • List of policies
    • Link / FPC child safety policies (e.g. what we ask the parents to agree to), such as not changing diapers, snack policy, etc.. Here is the form that we ask parents to agree to:
  • Draft plan for Link Volunteer Child Care