➡️Put up ESL signs outside early
- Take down after break especially from the street and along the walkway to show which door, as several evening students have been confused in the past about which door.
➡️Have the list from ESL School Facility Coordinator of what we’ve requested and check classrooms early to see they have what needed.
- If not, try to fix it the same day.
- If it was not on setup list, we have to do it ourselves.
- If it was on setup list, let Facility Coordinator know for the future.
➡️Setup indoor classroom signs
- These are helpful for our returning students. Why not for new students? Because they should be personally escorted to their new class to be introduced to their volunteers. Also, occasionally classes have to be moved for special circumstances.
- Asking teachers to hang them up and/or return them usually results in inconsistency (e.g. not all signs will be hung up) and lost signs (you won’t get them back afterwards).
- Classroom signs can be left up at National Hills, Classroom signs must be taken down and put back up each week at FPC
- Make new ones and laminate as needed. FPC has at least one laminating machine both schools can use (Children’s Ministry and possibly the main office).
Make 5 classroom signs ahead of time (or 6 if we have an Intro class) to indicate which level is in each room (it helps if they are different colors, and very simple with very large font so they are readable for a non-native English speaker from far away. E.g. just the number 1 on a red background) (if Intro, put a “0” for the level)..NOTE: You need to get from the welcome team leader the names of the classes, “0” is not going to use anymore.
➡️Purchase (with Link money) new outside signs or metal wire stakes as needed using the reimbursement form
Exterior door
⚠️FYI: Draft sexton job description:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xC12cIs9GuDBv1XtX0cWMgjmkQ0L0AyI4o47A_Hh7ME/edit#heading=h.v7vugq8h4ivh