- not favor one foreign language (e.g. don’t only have Chinese resources)
- have spiritual content to open door for spiritual investigation
- But add value in other ways as well (e.g. Christ Community Health Clinic info, ESL info, etc.)
- have different books out each week to keep it fresh
- QR code paper for this school’s WhatsApp group
- QR code paper for Link socials WhatsApp group
Decide whether you want to have them…
- Just take books with no cost no expectation of return
- Or Check out books
- Or Take books with the encouragement to keep as long as it’s being read and then bring back
Resource ideas
- Bibles
- Bible app cards
- Printed bibles
- Other than bibles
- Reason for God
- Purpose Driven Life
- Mere Christianity
- Stories / testimonies of people from outside the West who are walking with God
- Other books written by Christ followers from outside the West
- New Horizons (about returning home and also has gentle spiritual focus)
- Tracks (if tasteful)
- Stories such as The Hiding Place, Gifted Hands, etc.
- Printouts of websites
- Simple form for them to plan their week
- Social events sign up
- Christ Community Health Clinic pamphlets
- Replacements in English and Spanish are available from the clinic.
Tech support documents (this used to be a separate role)
- Student wifi info (if available)
- Student English site / app info (point them to website). Note: we no longer provide tech support to students other than what is on this page: http://internationallink.org/apps.
Student care resources (this used to be a separate role)
- Put out community resources related to housing, school registration, etc.