- Assume they would like to pay with credit card unless they ask to pay with cash since cash is hard to deal with.
- What if a student says they’ve already paid? Ask them what payment method. If cash, check the cash receipts. If online, check the Google Sheet where these are logged.
- What if a student has a payment method we don’t accept? (e.g. Zelle)
- Let them know we accept cash, credit card, or bank transfer
- Tell them they can just go to class without a book today and they can bring payment next week
- Don’t give them the book till they pay
- What if a student says they can’t pay?
- This is a nuanced topic. We do not want anyone to be prevented from coming because of money. However, most students (as we have been told by immigrants) actually do have the ability to pay. If anyone gets something for free, they are less likely to value it. If our students don’t value the classes, they are less likely to continue coming and less likely to make progress.
- Here’s one way to approach the conversation:
- Assume they just don’t have it with them, and offer them to bring it next week.
- If they still say they cannot pay, explain that the value they are getting since the classes are free.
- You can ask them how much they can pay.
- In rare circumstances, they are a refugee or really in a hard place (e.g. homeless). In that case, you can tell them we can just give them the book.
- Pray as you go… we want to encourage ownership, but our higher priority is to believe what they say about their ability to pay.
ESL Book Discounts
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