Volunteer Opportunities

Child Care Leader for the Day

Ministry area

ESL Welcome Team

Gifts / interests

Administration, English language, Family/Children

Time investment

For each time you serve, 2:45 hours (2 hours of class plus before and after). Ideally for more than one time, but that is flexible.

Purpose statement

This role checks to ensure we are following Ministry Safe best practices for our children during the ESL School session.

Summary of goals

This role is primarily for Evening ESL at First Pres

  • Remain in the children’s area (at First Pres, this is the desk close to the big windows)
  • Help parents register their children (here is that form and here is a QR sheet you could print for them to scan)
  • Help ensure we’re following the safety policies outlined in the Child Care Worker role.
  • Ensure that the only people who enter the nursery area are approved volunteers and registered children.
  • Ensure we are following Ministry Safe best practices.
  • Supervise both nursery and (if we have one) older child homework rooms.
  • Ensure nursery workers know that no two children are to be in the bathroom at the same time, even if siblings.



Fill out volunteer application form (see "apply" in the main menu), Be approved as an in-person volunteer, Complete Ministry Safe training, Pass background check, Be an active participant of a local church


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