Volunteer Opportunities

One-time Social Event Planner

Ministry area

All Link

Gifts / interests

Administration, Hosting, Leadership, Outdoors/Active, Planning, Social

Time investment

2-6 hours one time

Purpose statement

At Link, we value relationships! And group social activities are a great context for those to form, and a non-threatening way for our international friends to join us.

Summary of goals

Coordinate with ministry leaders to provide a social event that is safe (e.g. may need to be outside for COVID) and facilitates relationships. Allowing our international friends to get a taste of local culture or experiences is also a plus. Can be for one event only or on a regular basis.

We try to do social events that:

  • have a low barrier to entry (e.g. free if possible)
  • will work for any level of English (e.g. a book club for an 18th century British book might not work so well); walks or a simple games are great (e.g. table tennis, yard games)
  • are easy to find and focus on each other (we’ve tried “using” events other organizations are already putting on and have usually had poor turnout)
  • allow for conversation (e.g. not a loud atmosphere)
  • are family friendly if possible (we know lost of internationals with kids), but this is not a requirement
  • are not necessarily spiritually focused (we do that in other ways)




Others you would serve with

Local, Virtual, Administration, Care, Cooking, Discipleship, English language, Family/Children, Hosting, Leadership, Outdoors/Active, Planning, Prayer, Social, Social Media, Strategy, Talking, Teaching, Technology, Using Hands, Writing/Editing, Monthly, One-time, Quarterly / yearly, Weekly, Most needed

ESL School Welcome Team

Our ESL Schools are our most important venue for demonstrating the love of Christ to new international friends. It requires many different functions to support the small groups (ESL Classes) that meet. The members of the Operations Team provide that.

The ESL School Support Team is unique in that there are a variety of roles or “hats” that need to be worn if the School is going to be sustainable and students and volunteers are not going to fall through the cracks. Each team member will wear more than one hat and may take them on and off even during the course of one session of School on a given day.

Functions / goals the ESL School needs in order to love well. This does not include overall ESL ministry roles that cover both Schools such as mobilization, pedagogy, training, etc.

We all long to see our halls and classrooms filled with students. But before we run out to try and find new students, we need to steward well the ones God has already entrusted to us.