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Serving international military students

Who are they? This amazing group of military leaders from countries all over the world are invited by the US to get further training here. They are often from places around the world where Christ is not known and where it is difficult to take His love and word. These individuals, both men and...

Testimony & church involvement

Hello! Thank you for considering serving alongside us; it is truly a fulfilling call. We take seriously the unique way that you are made and the investment of your time to explore serving with us. We will be looking for and praying over "fit," both for your benefit, our benefit, and ultimately for...

Tell us about you

You are carefully made... by the Creator of the universe, knit together in the mystery of embryology (Psalm 139:13-14). Every Christ follower is even more God's masterpiece, with a part to play in His story and mission (Ephesians 2:10). God gives abilities (Exodus 31:3) and spiritual gifts (1...

Volunteer application page

Hello! Thank you for considering serving alongside us; it is truly a fulfilling call. We take seriously the unique way that you are made and the investment of your time to explore serving with us. Exploring a good "fit" We believe that our wise God who is Lord of the harvest is also the giver of...

Link Prayer

Link Prayer

We have a mission of global and even eternal scale (John 17). We have zero resources in ourselves, in spite of the delusion of self-sufficiency we live in (John 15:5). And – most importantly – we have a Father who delights in us, who answers our prayers, and who is actively working even as you...


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