Volunteer Opportunities

The ways you can get involved are limited only by the gifts God has given you! This list has some examples. You can read through the entire list below, or use the filter to hone in on what is a good fit for you. Once you’re familiar with the different roles, click on the Apply button and let us know which you are interested in!

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Please pardon our progress

Please forgive us that some of the role descriptions are missing details. We’re working hard to serve you by completing these, and if you find a specific role you want more information on, just let us know.

ESL School Ministry Teams Coach

ESL School Ministry Teams Coach

Provide coaching support to ESL Class Ministry Teams in their accomplishment of the Ministry Team 5 goals: prayer, English, relationship, spiritual intentionality, and coordination.

ESL School Hospitality-Food

ESL School Hospitality-Food

For many cultures, sharing food is what changes an experience from a business transaction to friendship. What is more, God is the source of all true hospitality, and we want to reflect Him.

ESL School Operations Team

ESL School Operations Team

Our ESL Schools are our most important venue for demonstrating the love of Christ to new international friends. It requires many different functions to support the small groups (ESL Classes) that meet. The members of the Operations Team provide that.

The ESL School Support Team is unique in that there are a variety of roles or “hats” that need to be worn if the School is going to be sustainable and students and volunteers are not going to fall through the cracks. Each team member will wear more than one hat and may take them on and off even during the course of one session of School on a given day.

Functions / goals the ESL School needs in order to love well. This does not include overall ESL ministry roles that cover both Schools such as mobilization, pedagogy, training, etc.

We all long to see our halls and classrooms filled with students. But before we run out to try and find new students, we need to steward well the ones God has already entrusted to us.

ESL School Teaching Coach

ESL School Teaching Coach

Our international friends come to ESL classes primarily to improve their English, so we want to try to offer quality ESL training to them. But providing quality ESL value is difficult with a volunteer teaching team. Your purpose is to help us provide that quality ESL without discouraging our volunteers. At the school level, you own adding English learning value.

ESL Online Content Manager

ESL Online Content Manager

The internet is a prime way that we connect with and serve new international friends and volunteers. And yet there is much more we could do to serve and connect.

ESL School Student Books

ESL School Student Books

Our ESL teachers & students need a book to give structure to their language journey. You help provide that by selling and briefly explaining the English books to them.

Student Interest Follow-Up

Student Interest Follow-Up

We long to see students with us. Some have registered and just need to know the next steps. Others have been with us before and may need encouragement to sign up again.

ESL School Admin Assistant

ESL School Admin Assistant

ESL is our biggest way of serving our international friends. But without the behind the scenes administrative support, they suffer because they don’t have the tools they need and the volunteers cannot serve them well. You help to solve this problem!

ESL School Teacher Resources Manager

ESL School Teacher Resources Manager

Our in-class volunteers are juggling a lot. You can help them be more effective in training their ESL students by organizing teaching materials for them.

ESL School Assessment Coordinator

ESL School Assessment Coordinator

Student English assessments are important because they help students be in the class where they are most likely to succeed. But there are more students than one assessor can handle. You help orchestrate assessors to meet student needs and ultimate show them the grace of God in this way.

New Contact Integration

New Contact Integration

Help new contacts get integrated into Link as they want to. Without someone taking ownership for new contacts, they easily fall through the cracks, their needs are not met, and we miss the opportunity to connect with them.

Facilitate English bible study

Facilitate English bible study

Lead a one on one or small group bible discussion in English, for one or more of our international friends who is interested in both the bible and English improvement.

Friendship Partner

Friendship Partner

One of our greatest opportunities and the greatest needs we can meet is just to be a friend. This takes humility and availability.

ESL School Student Resource Table

ESL School Student Resource Table

Many of our ESL students will read something that they may be hesitant to talk about. We want to provide a resource table to bless them spiritually and in other ways as well.

Bible Study for English Learner

Bible Study for English Learner

Sometimes new international friends express interest in studying the bible and we just need someone to patiently look at scripture with them. They may want to look at scripture as an end in itself or they may be interested in or open to using the bible to learn English.

Link Wide Prayer Facilitator

Link Wide Prayer Facilitator

Prayer is our first and main work for everyone, but it helps to have someone who thinks only for this and works to nurture more prayer for Link as a whole.

ESL Student Attendance

ESL Student Attendance

Student attendance is part of a basic measure of health of our school and enables other aspects such as caring for classes, coaching volunteers & students, and a school rewards program.

Partner and Volunteer Mobilization

Partner and Volunteer Mobilization

We need 100-200 volunteers to love well in light of all the internationals among us. The Spirit has a plan where the gifts of believers are matched with the needs around us. You can help us find those fits by mobilizing volunteers. Watching the Spirit work is a job to them and us!

Giving welcome brief to international military students

It is critical to connect with the International Military Students (IMSs) as soon as they arrive in order to connect relationally and make the most of their short time here. The best way we know how to do that is to be a part of their reception briefing and Fort Gordon graciously allows us to do that.

Link Prayer Coordinator

Link Prayer Coordinator

Prayer is our first and main work. You can help grow prayer in and for Link through behind the scenes service.

ESL Assistant School Leader for Operations

ESL Assistant School Leader for Operations

The Assistant School Leader for Operations owns the operation of the morning or evening ESL School (not both). So when it comes to any question about running the school, the buck stops here (e.g. you may be the only Link staff available at times).