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Video / creative media

Video / creative media

There are so many amazing stories that our international friends have. We have a few ourselves since we love to showcase what we see God doing. Would you help us tell those stories? Video is great, but it doesn’t have to be limited to that. You would work with our Director, Social Media Coordinator, and others.

Social Media Administrator

Social Media Administrator

Link’s social media channels and the rest of its digital marketing is primarily focused on those we are serving: internationals! So this person seeks to engage with existing and new internationals in the CSRA to serve them and encourage engagement in our activities. You will work with the Link Director and other leaders to help get direction for content and more detailed communication goals. We hope you have ideas, too! It will help if you have experience in this area (or at least like social media…). It also doesn’t hurt if you’re not afraid to try new things. Our international friends are not always on the same channels that we are!

ESL School Facility Host

ESL School Facility Host

Open the building as if it were your own home in order to provide a welcoming environment for the internationals who have come to learn English.

ESL School Host (Thursday am or pm)

ESL School Host (Thursday am or pm)

Like hosting in a home, help our English students feel welcome and get to their class. Free up the School Leader to visit teachers & internationals in classes.

ESL Overall Pedagogist

ESL Overall Pedagogist

This technical expert must have formal ESL training. They work with the ESL Program Lead to help us ever work toward a quality level of English instruction. We are not primarily a secular English school, however, we do want to provide excellent value to our students.

ESL Pedagogist

ESL Pedagogist

This technical expert must have formal ESL training. They work with the ESL Program Lead to help us ever work toward a quality level of English instruction. We are not primarily a secular English school, however, we do want to provide excellent value to our students.

ESL Overall Ministry Leader

ESL Overall Ministry Leader

Come help us lead this popular ministry. In full disclosure: it won’t bring you fame & fortune (well, not in this life…).

ESL Speaking Assessments

ESL Speaking Assessments

When students sign up for English classes, they need to be assessed in order to determine what level they should be in. When they are in a class that is a good fit for them, it helps them stay with us.


In the early 2000s, the American International Fellowship was started to serve internationals in our area. Shortly after, it grew into International Link, a faith-based organization made up of individuals and churches across the Augusta metro area who enjoy serving and spending time with our...

Volunteer opportunities

The ways you can get involved are limited only by the gifts God has given you! This list has some examples. You can read through the entire list below, or use the filter to hone in on what is a good fit for you. Once you're familiar with the different roles, click on the Apply button and let us...